What is a tray and sleeve box?

Trays and sleeves, also known as drawer packs, are a type of packaging that offer a unique and engaging unboxing experience. This collapsible 2-piece box contains a tray that slides smoothly out of the sleeve to reveal the product inside. It's perfect for light products or luxury items and is fully customizable to showcase your brand in all its glory. For delicate items, there are also non-collapsible versions called rigid drawer boxes. These boxes can be further personalized with artwork designs to give it a unique touch.

The structural design of tray and box packaging is what differentiates it from traditional packaging solutions. The collapsible nature of the box facilitates storage and reduces shipping costs. The tray slides effortlessly in and out of the sleeve for easy packing and unpacking. The sturdy construction ensures that the product inside is well protected while still providing an elegant and visually appealing finish.

The customization options for pallet boxes and kits are limitless. Businesses can choose to have their company logo, brand colors and other pertinent information printed on the box, creating a strong branding opportunity. Personalized artistic design not only enhances the visual appeal of the packaging, but also helps create a memorable unboxing experience for customers. This goes a long way toward building brand loyalty and increasing the perceived value of your product.

There are several factors to consider when choosing the right trays and sleeves for your products. First, it is important to determine the weight and fragility of the packaged item. For lightweight products, collapsible trays and nesting boxes are sufficient. However, for delicate items that need extra protection, hard drawer boxes are a better choice. These boxes are made of durable material for extra strength and stability.

Another factor to consider is the size and shape of the product. Trays and boxes are available in a variety of sizes to suit different products. This ensures a snug fit and prevents any movement inside the box during shipping. It also helps in displaying products in an organized and visually appealing manner.

The collapsible nature of tray boxes and sleeves also makes them an environmentally friendly packaging solution. The box can be easily collapsed after use, reducing waste and promoting sustainability. Additionally, the boxes can be made from recycled or biodegradable materials, further reducing environmental impact. Today's customers are increasingly aware of the sustainable practices businesses employ, and choosing eco-friendly packaging can help boost your brand image.

Together, tray boxes and sleeves (also known as drawer packs) offer a unique and engaging unboxing experience. Whether collapsible boxes for lightweight products or rigid drawer boxes for delicate items, these boxes are fully customizable, allowing businesses to showcase their brand in a personal and visually appealing way. With the ability to add personalized artwork designs, tray boxes and sleeves can create a memorable unboxing experience for customers, increasing brand loyalty and perceived value. Plus, their foldable nature and eco-friendly options make them a sustainable packaging choice.

Post time: Jul-28-2023